The Effectiveness of Board and Train Programs

The Effectiveness of Board and Train Programs

If you are looking for a program that has a faster turnaround time plus the fact that you do not have the time or skill to commit, then you may want to consider our board and train programs.

What is Board and Train?

This is a type of service that most dog trainers offer wherein the dog is kept in a facility or at the trainer’s home for a certain period of time.

Now, here in K9 Mania Dog Training, we do not have a one program fits all. We believe that each dog is unique. However, there are types of board and train services such as, in-home board and train & kennel board and train.

In-home Board and Train:

This is where the dog is kept in the trainer’s home. This would mean that the boarding is cageless. This is because the dog is kept in the home so that the dog will learn the basics of indoor living – house training and respecting invisible boundaries.This is where the dog is taught basic manners and behavior modification, be put on a daily exercise program, and have some playtime in a fenced area to socialize with other dogs.

Kennel Board and Train:

In contrast to the in-home board and train, the kennel board and train keeps the dog outside the kennel where dogs are most likely to be boarded.Generally, the dog is generally kept in the kennel when not yet in training or when not yet taken out for its exercise. Although in-home board and train is preferable, using the kennel board and train is much more preferable.

What's in the Board and Train Programs?

Well, there are two classifications. One is the BASIC TRAINING and the other is the BEHAVIORAL MODIFICATION.

Basic Training is the first step when it comes to dog training. Dogs under the board and train program are taught the basic commands such as the following:

  • sit
  • down
  • stay
  • heel
  • come
  • watch me

Most often for behavioral problems, dogs are taught how to stop jumping, stop pulling on the leash, stop running out the door, counter-surfing, and more. In special circumstances, dog trainers throw in a few more helpful commands and tricks.

For behavior modification, dog trainers address serious behavior issues like aggression, anxiety, and other problem behaviors. During the board and train – in an ideal situation and at a low level of intensity, the dog is exposed to stimuli that the dog is reactive towards.

The behavior of the dog is changed by using certain of behavior modification techniques.

Requirements for Board and Train

In many board and train programs, they usually require dogs to comply with certain requirements. Here are the following requirements that are crucial:

  • proof of vaccination shots such as rabies, DHLPP, kennel cough, heartworm preventive, and etc.
  • kennel cough needs to be given in advance before undergoing board and train
  • dogs must have a leash, tags, and collar
  • owners are required to provide food to avoid any digestive stress
  • list and schedule of medications
  • feeding directions
  • signed contract and agreements

Benefits of Dog Board and Train

  • Trained by a seasoned dog trainer.
  • Train with the basic obedience methods or custom-tailored to the needs of your dog.

Since the dog board and train is handled by a seasoned dog trainer, the success rate is higher than by just being handled by the owner with no experience. Most of the trainers have several techniques. If one technique does not work for the dog, there are still other options for a trainer to choose from.

Book a FREE Call to Inquire About Our Board and Train Programs

Are you ready to help your dog straighten up its behavior and live a quality and stress-free life not just for your dog, but for you and your family? Then, click the button to schedule a FREE call.

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K9 Mania Dog Trainingโ€™s mission and promise to you is that we will provide the best and most progressive balanced dog training, with the highest quality service.

Our Method

K9 Mania Dog Training is a balanced dog training company Together, with our team of dog trainers and dog behavioristsโ€ฆ

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